Stay with the Self, the observer, not the mind. Live in the creation of the creator, not in the creation of the mind.
Be constantly aware of every thought and word: Is this Life or is it me? The observer or the mind?
Stay empty, stay free, stay awake.
I hold my body and mind dearly. Let them dwell within me.
Silence and stillness is the deepest form of love.
May my love for you set you free; may your love for me be the motivation towards your liberation.
The reason why we need to stay present is that it activates the observer. By thinking about the past or future, you are activating the mind. The reason why we stay equanimous is that the observer has no preferences for duality, no likes or dislikes, but the mind does. Similarly, that’s why we have to see things as they are. The observer sees the truth, and the mind adds a filter of good or bad.
Speak only the truth, because when people lie or exaggerate, they usually want to prove or protect the “I”, which leads to ego inflation and moves us further away from the observer/true self.